This page will show useful answers to questions asked by builders, to clarify aspects of building. It will also show any important updates or other info that I want to bring to the attention of builders.
Jim Phoenix asked how to accurately locate the mast steps. The construction drawing shows the positions as distances from bulkheads 2 and 4 but he has lost the exact location of these because the deck has been installed.
Method 1) You can use the centre of the cross-frame as your reference point. The crossing
point is shown on the construction drawing as 2800mm forward of the transom, which is on station 3. As shown
on the lines drawing, bulkheads are 400mm apart, so bulkheads
2 and 4 are 400mm forward and aft of station 3. After adjusting for the distances of the steps from those
bulkheads, the aft step is 200mm aft of the crossing point and the forward step is 225mm forward of the
crossing point.
Method 2) The mast stands perpendicular to the deck in the aft position, so you can
use a carpenter's square resting on the deck to find the location of the aft step exactly below the
hole above. You can do the same for the forward step then move it forward 25mm.