Published Books

Authored by Dudley Dix

Capsize Book by Dudley Dix - South Atlantic Capsize
"South Atlantic Capsize"

Paperback US$25
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ePub e-Book by email US$20
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PDF e-Book by email US$20
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SOUTH ATLANTIC CAPSIZE - Lessons Taught by a Big Ocean Wave
In January 2014 I was skipper of the 38ft "Black Cat", setting out from Table Bay in the Cape To Rio Race, expecting to take 3 weeks to cross the South Atlantic Ocean to Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The Cape of Good Hope is notorious for producing bad weather, which can show up at any time of year. This race started in mid-summer and sailed straight into a storm to rival the worst that the Cape winter conjures up. "Black Cat" sailed through that storm and, when breaking out of the back of it, suffered a rudder failure. While en-route back to harbour after the storm with a jury rudder, an intense storm developed under a high-level cut-off low system and got "Black Cat" in its clutches. That evening she was capsized by a massive wave that was much larger than any others, throwing around crew, stores and equipment.

This book tells the story of the boat, the crew, the race and the storm; what happened on the boat, what damage was done, what the men onboard did to safeguard vessel and crew, what they did to get themselves back to port and what else was going on around them. It also includes the story of a similar capsize of the Swan 65 "Sayula II" in the 1973 Whitbread Round the World Race, as told by crew-member Butch Dalymple-Smith.

It closes with chapters that explain the principles of stability of sailboats, with particular reference to those factors that affect the likelihood of a boat being capsized and, once capsized, of righting itself quickly to improve the chances of survival of the crew.

The eBook version includes an additional chapter with advice on how to escape alive from a capsized boat. There are multiple factors that will be critical to survival, many of them seldom even considered by most people who head out onto the ocean.

This e-Book can be supplied in either PDF or ePub format. The PDF will be sent to you by email. The ePub file is too large for email, so you will be sent a download link by email.

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Book by Dudley Dix - Shaped by Wind & Wave
"Shaped by Wind & Wave"

Paperback US$30
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ePub e-Book by email US$20
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SHAPED BY WIND & WAVE - Musings of a Boat Designer
I have authored articles that have been published in magazines worldwide. Most are of a technical nature but are written in laymans' terms. Some will be of use when making decisions about what boat to build and others may help during a construction project. I have consolidated the articles into a book, expanded and updated and with more illustrations.

Some of the original articles have been available here as a free service for a long time. They will continue to be available in their original form. The set of updated articles is now only available in my book, "Shaped by Wind & Wave". Buy now paperback $30 plus shipping or eBook $20 supplied by email. If you don't have an e-Reader then you can read it on your computer using an e-reader program like Adobe Digital Editions, which can be downloaded free from the Internet.

I have added a chapter with advice for sailing safely around the Cape of Good Hope. This is the sensible alternative to taking on the Somali pirates by sailing the Red Sea route to the Mediterranean Sea. The route around the Southern tip of Africa is dreaded by circumnavigators due to heavy weather conditions. However, local sailors race and cruise those waters in good and bad weather. This chapter gives advice on where and what the dangers are and how to safely traverse those dangers.

Scroll down to access the free articles via the clickable links. The others are only available in the book.

The e-Book version is in ePub format and will be sent to you by email.

Chapter 1. Nautical Terms and Coefficients Explanation and definition of boat design terms and values.

Chapter 2. The Argument in Favour of Lofting describes the reasons for and benefits of lofting and gives the basics of lines drawings and offset tables.

Chapter 3. Lofting the Hull explains how to do hull lofting with various methods.

Chapter 4. Transom Development covers how to develop transoms for various combinations of hull and transom styles.

Chapter 5. Hull Shapes and Sea-keeping explains the characteristics and consequences of choices in hull form.

Chapter 6. Power from Stability discusses principles of stability and how it affects performance, safety and other aspects of sailing boats of all types.

Chapter 7. Sailing Rigs. A review of sailing rigs, their strengths and weaknesses. This will help to clarify your thinking if you are unsure which sailing rig is best for you.

Chapter 8. Rudders and Steering. Steering systems and configurations for sailboats and how choices will affect handling.

Chapter 9. Choice of Construction Material. If you are unsure of the best choice of material for you, this will help you to make the best decision.

Chapter 10. Radius Chine Metal Construction describes this method of metal boatbuilding and how it optimises the conflicting needs of aesthetics, ease of construction, cost, performance and resale value.

Chapter 11. Rust Prevention for Steel Boats. Brief history of rust prevention measures for steel boats and guidelines to happy ownership of a steel boat.

Chapter 12. Plywood as a Boat Construction Material. Constructing a boat from a largely forgotten hull material that is enjoying a resurgence in popularity.

Chapter 13. Radius Chine Plywood Boat Construction describes this method of plywood construction as used by Dudley Dix for the Didi range of designs.

Chapter 14. Fitting Out Tips. Suggestions to aid fitting out a GRP, metal or wood hull, producing a better quality boat.

Chapter 15. Hull Turning describes methods used to turn hulls upright during construction, with diagrams and photos.

Chapter 16. Mindset & Goal Setting for Amateur Boatbuilders. Run out of steam in the middle of a building project and don't know how to continue? This will help you to get back on track and stay there till the end.

Chapter 17. Around Alone in an Open Boat. Anthony Steward is the only person to have sailed around the world in an open boat, a custom version of the TLC 19 designed by Dudley Dix. This is a review of his voyage and his motivations.

Chapter 18. Sailing the Cape of Good Hope Route. Many cruising sailors are still risking the dangers of piracy in the Indian Ocean instead of sailing around the Cape of Good Hope. This chapter explains the dangers, where they are and how to cope with them for a safe passage.

Appendix 1. Basic Metric Boatbuilding explains the simplicity of the metric system.

Appendix 2. Conversion of Inch Fractions to Millimetres.

Appendix 3. Metric/Imperial Conversions.

Appendix 4. Conversion of Inch Fractions to Inch Decimals.

Appendix 5. Galvanic Series of Metals in Salt Water.

Appendix 6. Properties of Boatbuilding Timbers - Imperial.

Appendix 7. Properties of Boatbuilding Timbers - Metric.



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This page was updated 24 October 2018

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