Inch Fractions to Decimals |
This table shows the decimal equivalents of fractions of an inch.
Note that it is not converting inches to metric.
1/32" |
0.03" |
1/16" |
0.0625" |
3/32" |
0.094" |
1/8" |
0.125" |
5/32" |
0.156" |
3/16" |
0.1875" |
7/32" |
0.219" |
1/4" |
0.25" |
9/32" |
0.281" |
5/16" |
0.3125" |
11/32" |
0.344" |
3/8" |
0.375" |
13/32" |
0.406" |
7/16" |
0.4375" |
15/32" |
0.469" |
½" |
0.5" |
17/32" |
0.531" |
9/16" |
0.5625" |
19/32" |
0.594" |
5/8" |
0.625" |
21/32" |
0.656" |
11/16" |
0.6875" |
23/32" |
0.719" |
3/4" |
0.75" |
25/32" |
0.781" |
13/16" |
0.8125" |
27/32" |
0.844" |
7/8" |
0.875" |
29/32" |
0.906" |
15/16" |
0.9375" |
31/32" |
0.9688" |
1" |
1.0" |
This information is presented for use entirely at the risk of the user. No responsibility for its correctness is accepted by Dudley Dix Yacht Design.